Created an array
bash 3.2# zpool create daw c1t1d0
root@dawbkup:~# zfs set shareiscsi=on daw
root@dawbkup:~# zfs get shareiscsi daw
daw shareiscsi on local
zfs create -V 120G daw/backup
[any zvols (not filesystems, I checked) created under daw will automatically become LUNs]
Ignore the following eror Probably caused by the fact I forgot to import from categorie Storage the "storage-san" package
root@dawbkup:~# zfs set shareiscsi=on daw/backup
cannot share 'daw/backup': iscsitgtd failed request to share
zfs set shareiscsi=on daw/backup
root@dawbkup:~# iscsitadm list target -v
Target: daw/backup
iSCSI Name:
Alias: daw/backup
After this I downloaded the Iscsi Initiator for windows XP and used the instructions from Microsoft. At the end the volume is shown when you go to My computer -> Manage -> Disk management. You now can create partitions add drive letters and format just like a regular disk within Windows.